In the media


The media regularly report about us and the tauglerei, which makes us very happy. You can find some reports here.


A company that lets its employees do their work in the home office could just as well - as a special appreciation - send them a day to the dinghy shop in St. Koloman. Here are 7 reasons why it makes sense ...
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COWORKING SALZBURG with Romy Sigl visiting the tauglerei

The Good News newsreel live from the Tauglerei in St. Koloman! Be there when we talk to @Patrick Sellier about starting a coworking space in the mountains - and lots of other exciting topics!
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In St. Koloman you will find relaxing nature, lived customs and tradition. And then there is something completely different! A very special offer, especially for the secluded location, that really dances out of line: the tauglerei
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"Fuck-up nights" - failure is good

Under the motto "Failure is good", so-called "Fuck-Up Nights" are always held in Salzburg. Such an event took place this week in the St. Koloman village innkeeper. Three people told openly and honestly about the most serious mistakes in their lives.
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From publisher to host in St. Koloman

The Tauglerei in St. Kolomans center combines the local tradition of the church host with Far Eastern philosophies and movement teachings. There are also rooms for working, chatting and training.
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Prof. Gerald Hüther talks to Patrick Sellier about dignified development in communities

At the solution congress "Living Consciously Together" on September 14, 2019 in Salzburg, 20 municipalities from Austria presented their initiatives to strengthen the rural environment. The famous brain researcher Prof. Gerald Hüther asked Patrick Sellier beforehand how the citizens of St. Koloman managed to create the Taugl network, which focuses on the dignity and identity of the place and each individual citizen.
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Work and vacation: On workation in the magic mountains

On the journey to yourself: The tauglerei in St. Koloman near Salzburg offers stressed townspeople a unique experience between coworking and enjoying nature.
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St. Koloman with Agenda 21 on the rise

Some flagship projects of the local Agenda 21 such as the "Taugler Körberl" are already being implemented in St. Koloman.
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Where I am at home - in St. Koloman

What is special about the place is the joy of meeting the residents. Whether it is coming together in the "Tauglerei", the generation theater, the zealous collecting for the dialect archive or the pilgrimage at the age of 86.
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"Workation" combines work, vacation and love

There has been a very special kind of coworking space in the tauglerei since June 1st, 2019. We met with two coworkers and the founder of the common workplace on site.
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Preserve the church host on the local square

The dug shop brings the city to the village. The locals are happy about the last restaurant in town - despite the vegetarian home cooking.
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Rural exodus: communities learn from each other

Places and communities across Austria should learn from each other in Salzburg what they can do on a small scale against major problems such as rural exodus or climate change. Tauglerei is an example of how you can promote communication and appreciation in a place.
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St. Koloman is breaking new ground

How the residents of the 1800-person community in Tennengau can buy groceries and products from local producers directly in the village without a shop.
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Work in a different way: measuring identity in the job

Coach and Ayurveda therapist Patrick Sellier says: We identify very much with our jobs, but rarely live our identity. In the podcast interview he explains why feelings in working life and entrepreneurship deserve more attention.
To the podcast

Dignity and digitization - an invitation to start a group

Beyond its conveniences, digitization has led to an ever faster break in society like no other technical innovation. Many sections of the population feel left behind and fear the future.
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Tauglerei St Koloman Sakzburger Land

Tauglerei in St. Koloman starts again

The café in the tauglerei is now open six days a week and even brews its own beer. There is also a lot to be found in the former church landlord's building.
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The "Tauglerei": New life in the old church host in St. Koloman

Patrick and Sara Sellier have bought the former village inn in the center of the village and offer Ayurvedic therapies here in the "Tauglerei". Since February you can also get to know the Ayurvedic cuisine of the Gollinger Alexandra Hofer in a small café on the ground floor.
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The church host returns to the Taugler community

It used to be the church host, today it is the "tauglerei": In addition to yoga and other courses, a new café is opening in February. And the new homeowners still have big plans.
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The Tauglerei opens its gates

St. Koloman has a new coffee house. On Saturday the tauglerei in the former church inn opened. The motto: all kinds of quality of life.
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